We work diligently to protect your personal and financial information. As your financial service-provider, it is important to us that you are aware of how you are protected, and how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft and other types of fraud.
We will never request personal information by email, phone, or text messaging – including account numbers, personal identification numbers, and online banking credentials. If you receive an email or phone call from someone representing GCB and you question the validity of the sender or caller, please call us at (706) 295-9300 prior to responding to any request for information.

Mobile Device Security
Mitigate the risk of having your mobile device lost, stolen, or breached.
Learn More
Electronics Funds Transfers Act
Find out the protections you have for when you transfer funds.
Learn MoreHelpful Links
Federal Trade Commission identity theft links:
Center for Internet Security:
Contact Us
GCB | A Division of LGE Community Credit Union
PO Box 529
Rome, GA 30162
(706) 295-9300
Credit Reports
PO Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374
To order a report: (800) 685-1111
PO Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013
To order a report: (888) 397-3742
PO Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
To order a report: (866) 887-2673